One of my best friends from junior high was back in town having a big b-day party at Pig n the Whistle and The Roosevelt Hotel this weekend. First time I've been to either place, which tells you how plugged in I am to the Hollywood scene. ..... -Brian Lubocki, screenwriter/troublemaker. You are a brilliant writer. Keep at it. - Hal Ackerman, co-chair UCLA screenwriting. You are an outstanding writer. You have an innate ability to tap into real emotion and you infuse it ...
Maria Lubocka-Hoffmann, Osadnictwo miejskie na Warmii i Mazurach 3. Krzysztof Młynarczyk, Przyroda Warmii, Mazur i Powiśla 4. Jerzy Sikorski, Warmia Mikołaja Kopernika 5. Leszek Sarzyński, Kilka refleksji o muzyce na Warmii i Mazurach. ...